Inflatable Bubble Football for Theme Parties


Bubble football, also known as bubble ball, is the sport/recreation of playing football while partially covered by an inflatable torus bubble, much like a softball glove, that envelops the athlete's upper torso and head. This sport is usually played indoors on large artificial turf fields or outdoor sports courts. The main difference between the two is that the players are not fully enclosed like in a softball glove. This makes the game a little more difficult because it forces players to move and run with the ball. The player must also use physical reactions and quick reactions to make plays and stop the ball from rolling too far away.

The earliest version of bubble football was invented by Tom Coughlin, who later became the head coach of the New York Giants. This sport became popular in colleges across the country. In the late eighties, another major sport started to take bubble football to the next level. This sport was dubbed as for football. The name has stuck and today both the zorb and the softball are often used interchangeably.

In recent years, both the zorb and the bubble football have made their way to the professional football league. Each brand has their own unique design of the game and players can choose from many different uniforms when they play. Some players wear jerseys, hats, gloves, and other accessories. One major drawback to playing bubble football is that the players cannot use their hands, which can make catching the ball and returning it to the quarterback or whoever is running the offense very difficult.

In order to play bubble football, you'll need a football pitch similar to a basketball court or an indoor/outdoor basketball court. The goal is to score more points than your opponent. Although this sport is not widely played in public high schools and colleges, it can still be played by members of a sports club or recreation team. Because of the low attendance at many of these ball sports, it may be necessary for a school or recreation team to play bubble football against other schools or even against professionals such as NBA, NFL, and Major League Baseball teams.

Another popular activity that many college and high school students participate in is called the Stag Night. This is a party hosted by the fraternity or sorority where the students dress in their fraternities or sororities' colors. Activities can include paintballing (the use of pump-up air paint) and pinning down a "stag" or "polo" theme. Bubble football costs can vary; however, because this sport can be very physically demanding, the equipment used, including the safety pads, helmets, and goal post, can be pricey.

Many colleges and universities have their own version of a stag night, which involves a large group of students throwing a large party in the evening before their spring break. These are usually held in a ballroom or at a restaurant in an area that is off-limits to non-fraternity or sorority members. Activities can include billiards, video games, dancing, food, wine, and much more. A typical bubble football cost for this event can include admission to the party as well as an over-priced meal and drinks.

Other types of school or community building events that incorporate the game of bubble football can include senior parties or homecoming celebrations. The cost of this type of party will include a dinner, drinks, entertainment, and a cake. There are some college and high school athletic programs which hold birthday celebrations for their teams, including spring break or neutral football games. In these events, the entire team will dress in their teams uniforms, and the cost can range up to thousands of dollars for a complete outfit. Activities, like scavenger or treasure hunts, and other team building techniques are used in these kinds of parties to help students bond and enjoy their time together.

In general, any inflatable activity or sport that can be played in a large number of people at an inexpensive cost is likely to become popular. Bubble football has been around for years and can be found in many places around the world, from arcades to theme parks to backyard barbecues. Sports stores, bowling alleys, and party rentals often carry a variety of different sizes and types of zorbing equipment. Sports stores are also a good place to rent inflatable bubble football for large scale party rentals. As inflatable sports gear becomes more readily available, renting sports equipment for large scale parties or large group activities will become easier.


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