Can CBD Help Relieve My Pain?
Cannabidiol, or CBD as it is also known, is a new chemical element discovered in 1940. It accounts for nearly 40% of the total plant's medicinal material, and is one of the many identified cannabidiols in cannabis plants. It has proven to be effective in treating many of the symptoms of several ailments and diseases, including those of the central nervous system and AIDS. But it is important to note that CBD is a drug, a medication that just like any other drugs functions by modifying the body's normal function. It cannot work on its own, without the help of medicine or some other form of treatment.
The use of medical marijuana dates back to the 1970s. At that time it was seen as very useful for treating patients suffering from glaucoma. Glaucoma leads to closed-angle glaucoma, a painful condition resulting from the failure of blood vessels supplying the eye. Medical marijuana is used to alleviate the symptoms of this disease. Today, researchers are trying to find out if CBD can help treat glaucoma and other ailments related to the eye.
In the recent years, medical scientists have conducted human studies to find out if CBD is useful in the treating pain and other ailments caused by inflammation and nerve damage. A recent study conducted at the University of Michigan found out that CBD is very effective when it comes to reducing the pain felt by people suffering from multiple sclerosis. The scientists compared the effect of CBD with the effect of ibuprofen, a common pain reliever. They observed significant reductions in the number of pain sensors as well as the inflammation in the areas where they injected the CBD.
Another research was conducted at the University of Florida, where one study found out that CBD significantly reduced spasticity caused by cerebral ischemia in pediatric patients. The CBD reduces the level of one neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. In the recent years, there have been a lot of clinical trials conducted to find out whether CBD can also relieve pain in adults. One study found out that CBD is effective in reducing pain in patients with neuropathic pain caused by diabetic neuropathy.
Another study was conducted to check the effects of CBD on patients who suffer from nausea caused by chemotherapy. In this type of treatment, CBD may increase vomiting efficacy. It may also reduce nausea in patients taking certain medications that are commonly prescribed for nausea.
In addition, a test-tube study was conducted to check the effect of CBD on oesophageal reflux. In this study, oesophageal hydrochloric acid was used to stimulate peristaltic waves in the stomach. After the stimulation, researchers observed that the symptoms of reflux, including nausea and heartburn, were alleviated in 95% of the test-tube participants. It is reported that CBD has the ability to lower acid in the stomach by inhibiting the production of gastric acids. In the test-tube study, CBD was administered orally, however, it is not recommended to treat reflux in humans due to the lack of good oral dosage information. However, the CBD was found effective in animals when given a high dose.
Studies on CBD and its effects on pain control are still ongoing. However, a promising clinical trial by the University of Nebraska Medical Center showed that CBD is useful in combating pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. The trial examined the effect of CBD on inflammatory joints in the knee, hip, and spine of test-dogs. CBD significantly reduced pain and prevented the development of any adverse side effects in the dogs. This indicates CBD has the potential to become an alternative medication for pain management in the future.
CBD is believed to be very similar to the chemicals found in marijuana, such as THC and CBD. Recent research by the University of California at Davis indicates that CBD may also have the same structural structure as THC. Additionally, CBD displays some of the same pharmacological properties as THC, including the ability to bind with certain proteins in the brain. These studies are exciting as CBD may prove to be less harmful than marijuana.
Know more about CBD Topical With Thc here.
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