Dental Implants Can Replace Your Damaged Teeth
Dental Implants are artificial small metal posts that are placed into the jaw bone to replace an missing tooth or teeth. The cosmetic part which actually looks like a real tooth is an adornment attached to the dental implant. Dental Implants can be used to repair a single tooth or several teeth in one mouth. The procedure is done under local anesthesia. The patient will experience minimal discomfort and can resume normal activities immediately following the procedure.
Dental Implants have many advantages over dental bridges and veneers. Dental Implants are much more affordable than bridges and veneers, even for a very decent oral hygiene condition. No need for crowns or other reconstructive surgery; veneers need to be replaced every few years, whereas dental implants can last a lifetime. Dental Implants are also recommended by most dentists as the preferred solution to tooth loss/damage due to age, tooth decay, breakage, grinding, or other dental issues. Since dental implants feel natural, it is easier to maintain and clean them.
There are two types of dental implants, removable and fixed. A dental implant is surgically installed by a dentist; it is then later moved using a titanium screw to a supporting bone in the jawbone. If the bone where the dental implant is anchored is weak or damaged, the dental implant may crack. An example of this would be a dental implant anchored on the base of the patient's jaw bone might fail if the base suffers from a fracture. Fixed dental implants are anchored to the jaw bone on one side only, such as the left or right, with the option of being moved on a fixed position. This allows the implants to remain in their desired location.
Dental Implants are a relatively simple procedure, but they do require a bit of pre-planning to ensure everything goes smoothly. The first step is to determine which teeth or areas of your mouth you wish to replace. You will need to talk to your dentist about how many missing teeth you have, and he or she will design a procedure around your mouth structure and needs. Your jaw bone structure will need to be examined as well, including the length and shape of your jaw's bones. Your oral surgeon should design the entire procedure so that there are no complications. Complications can include infection, which is common after any dental procedure, as well as damage to the gum and other supporting structures surrounding the procedure.
Dental Implants are commonly used to restore teeth that have been lost due to extensive chewing on other teeth. Dental Implants are a great alternative to traditional bridge and crown procedures, and they can even help improve oral health, particularly good tooth health. Many dentists use veneers to restore teeth that have been lost due to chipped or broken teeth, and veneers also provide a less-noticeable improvement over natural teeth. If you're interested in improving your smile, and in maintaining good oral health, then dental implants may be right for you.
The process of tooth replacement has changed significantly over the years, from when dentists first started replacing teeth to what is now called dental implants. The first type of dental implants was made from porcelain, and the results were nothing short of amazing. Porcelain veneers are still used in some dental practices, but today's best option for restoration is the ceramic fused to metal dental implants. Ceramic veneers are smooth to the touch and are applied with minimal scarring and infection. Dental implants look almost identical to natural teeth, and many patients prefer the look and feel of these over their natural teeth.
In addition to helping to improve your smile, restorative dentistry can also help improve the health of your jaw. Veneers can provide a boost for a chipped, misaligned, or crooked tooth, and porcelain crowns can help fix serious conditions that can affect the nerves or gums surrounding a tooth. Crowns are made from a composite material that looks and feels like natural tooth enamel. When the crown is installed, it looks just like a normal tooth; however, when they are removed, your dentist will be able to see through the crown to reveal the real problem.
Dental Implants can be used to repair all sorts of dental problems, including those that don't respond to treatment with dentures or bridges. If your damaged tooth isn't responding to cleaning, filing, or other common procedures, then Dental Implants may be the best option. Dental Implants can replace your damaged or missing teeth, restore your lost smile, and even provide complete and restorative care for your remaining teeth. By choosing Dental Implants to repair your damaged or missing teeth, you can have a healthy and beautiful smile that will improve the appearance of your smile for years to come.
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